Thursday, July 25, 2013

First Post!

I'm sure no one will read this for a hot minute, but I am excited to get started in the blogosphere again. :) I loved blogging when I was a stay at home homeschooling mother of two. I'm still a mother of two, but I'm no longer stay at home or homeschooling. Don't you love it for life kinda bites you in the butt? Ha!

Almost two years ago, I was certain my life had come to an end. Some events took place that led up to a painful divorce. I realized "By golly gee, I have to go back to work!" Not saying I was against working outside the home, but it had been many years since I worked full time.  I have a degree but finding a full time job proved to be difficult. Fast forward to now, I am working in the field of special education as a teacher's assistant. I could not be happier where I am right now professionally. I never pictured myself working in special ed, but it has been beyond a blessing!

Along with working full-time, I had to face utilizing both public school and daycare to ensure my children were cared for while I earned an income. Two things I never wanted to utilize. Ugh. Thankfully, Hannah adjusted to public school quite nicely and I was relieved for her to have something to keep her mind occupied during that time. Autumn was only 3, so she went to the daycare where my sister was working at the time.  It was nice to have a family member around to take a peek at her every once in a while. :) Before I began working for the school system, I worked I a daycare for about four months.  That was certainly an eye-opening learning experience to say the very least.

Among everything else, I love running! I mean, seriously L-O-V-E it! I feel stressed, anxious, whatever, I throw on my shoes and pound the pavement.  I'm training for my first half-marathon in October and I'm up to six miles right now. So expect to hear a lot more about that! :D

I like to think that through it all the three of us are in good places right now. Certainly there's still some adjustments being made, but compared to the very beginning of this journey I can't complain! I have never clung to God more than I have over this past months.  His plan was obviously much different and greater than my own, and I could go on and on about how in hindsight He was very much at work.

As far as Hannah and Autumn's father, we are now co-parents of two beautiful girls who deserve nothing but the best in the world. We work together to parent them and are in constant communication concerning their well-being and any important events going on. If you're here expecting me to spill any drama to may or may not be going on, find it somewhere else. You will not be finding it here.

Thanks for reading!